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What is Aromatherapy?  

Aromatherapy is the organic essences of fragrant oils, extracted from flowers, herbs, fruits by means of steam distillation or mechanical expression to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


Benefits of Aromatherapy

The benefits and effects of massage with aromatherapy may take place on many different levels such as:-

  • Reduces tension through the use of aromatic properties

  • Promotes deep relaxation of muscle and nerve fibres (helps relieve chronic pain arising from overuse injuries)

  • Softens and nourishes the skin (many essential oils are nourishing, exfoliating and restorative)

  • Eases respiration through the use of aromatic essential vapours

  • Improves the circulation as the massage and essential oils promotes blood vessels to dilate enabling them to work more efficiently

  • Aids the elimination of toxins and waste products through increased lymphatic circulation and detoxification provided by the aromatic properties, and massage

Aromatherapy bottles

How it works

Medical research supports its use, demonstrating an influence on centres in the brain and spinal cord which are responsible for pain relief. A possible scientific explanation for aromatherapy is our sense of smell may play a role due to smell receptors in the nose communicating with parts of the brain (the amygdala and hippocampus) responsible for storing emotions and memories. Researchers suggest that when we inhale essential oils, the molecules stimulate parts of the brain that influences our physical, emotional health. Together with massage this stimulates deep sensory nerve receptors in the body to produce natural pain relieving chemicals (endorphins) and other substances. These substances, once released in the body, can help with pain relief and assist the body to heal itself.


For example, scientists suggest that lavender stimulates the activity of brain cells in the amygdala similar to the way some sedative medications may work. Other researchers think that molecules from essential oils may interact in the blood with hormones or enzymes.


The Science

To date a large number of scientific research studies have been published on the effects of odours on the human brain and emotions. Some researchers have tested the effects of essential oils on mood, alertness, and stress in healthy individuals. Whereas other studies have researched the effects of numerous (often synthetic) odours on task performance, reaction time, and autonomic parameters or analysed the direct effects of odours on the brain centres via electroencephalogram patterns and functional imaging studies. Such studies have consistently shown that odours can produce specific effects on human neuropsychological and autonomic function and that odours can influence mood, perceived health, and arousal. These studies suggest that odours may have therapeutic applications in the context of stressful and adverse psychological conditions.


Medical studies have also shown that aromatherapy may be effective for the following conditions;

  • Anxiety

  • Phobias

  • Sleeplessness

  • Epileptic seizures (by staying calm)

  • Depression (stimulates positive emotions in the area of the brain responsible for memories and emotions)

  • Digestive Problems

  • Bacterial Fungal Infections

  • Period Pain

  • Helps to reduce ‘Pain’: Studies have found that people with rheumatoid arthritis, cancer (using topical chamomile), and headaches (using topical peppermint) require fewer pain medications when they use aromatherapy 


Important Information

Aromatherapy is generally very safe. All the aromatherapy oils used at The No.1 Pain Relief Clinic have GRAS status. This means that the oils are, internationally, Generally Recognised As Safe. Serious side effects are very rare and have never occurred within the clinic.



Occasionally patients may have an allergy to certain aromatherapy oils. If you have an allergy to anything please inform your therapist so that the appropriate action can be taken. If you are allergic to nuts please inform your therapist prior to treatment. Most aromatherapy oils are mixed with sweet almond oil to be used in the massage, which can cause an allergic reaction.


Pregnancy Care

If you are pregnant there are certain aromatherapy oils which may be unsafe to use. Consequently If you are pregnant or think you may become pregnant during a course of treatment please inform your therapist so the appropriate action may be taken.


If there are particular risks that apply to you, your therapist will discuss these with you.


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