Based on recommendation I visited Nick's No.1 Pain Relief Clinic due to suffering with discomfort and restriction in my hand.
Nick gave me honest and straight forward advice with clear explanations throughout my treatment and exercises best suited to my requirements which was a success. Extremely professional and would strongly recommend.
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Body Composition
If you have been to our clinic to have your body composition analyzed, the content below will help you make sense of the various readings.
Three visits to Nick in 3 weeks and to my amazement not only did I make the start line but I ran the 26 miles, non-stop in under 4 hours, without any problems with my calf muscle..
Desirable Body Fat Range
The chart below can help you check if you're the right weight for your height.
Note: Athletes may have a lower body fat range depending on their particular sport or activity.
If you have had your ‘Body Composition’ analysed with us, your print-out will have a ‘Desirable range’ specifically for you.
Desirable Body Fat Range
Muscle Mass
Total Body Water Percentage
Bone Mass
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Visceral Fat Rating
Physique Rating
Overfat: above the healthy range. Increased risk for health problems.
Obese: high above the healthy body fat range.Greatly increased risk of obesity-related health problems.
Healthy: within the healthy body fat percentage range for your age/gender.
Underfat: below the healthy body fat range. Increased risk for health problems.
Muscle Mass
Indicates the weight of muscle in your body. The muscle mass displayed includes the skeletal muscles, smooth muscles (such as cardiac and digestive muscles) and the water contained in these muscles. Muscles play an important role as they act as an engine in consuming energy. As your muscle mass increase, your energy consumption increases helping you reduce excess body fat levels and lose weight in a healthy way.
Total Body Water Percentage
The total amount of fluid in a person’s body expressed as a percentage of their total weight. Water plays a vital role in many of the body’s processes and is found in every cell, tissue and organ. Maintaining a healthy total body water percentage will ensure the body functions efficiently and will reduce the risk of developing associated health problems.
Your body water levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day and night. Your body tends to be dehydrated after a long night and there are differences in fluid distribution between day and night. Eating large meals, drinking alcohol, menstruation, illness, exercising, and bathing may cause variations in your hydration levels.
Bone Mass
This feature indicates the amount of bone (bone mineral level, calcium or other minerals) in the body. Research has shown that exercise and the development of muscle tissue are related to stronger, healthier bones. While bone structure is unlikely to make noticeable changes in a short period, it is important that you develop and maintain healthy bones by having a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. People worried about bone disease should consult their physician. People who suffer from osteoporosis or low bone densities due to advanced age, young age, pregnancy, hormonal treatment or other causes, may not get accurate estimations of their bone mass.
Below is the result of estimated bone masses of persons aged 20 to 40, who are said to have the largest amounts of bone masses, by weight.
Note: Persons described below may obtain varying readings and should take the values given for reference purposes only.
- Elderly persons - Women during or after menopause - People receiving hormone therapy
“Estimated bone mass” is a value estimated statistically based on its correlation with the fat-free mass (tissues other than the fat). “Estimated bone mass” does not give a direct judgment on the hardness or strength of the bones or the risks of bone fractures. If you have concerns over your bones, you are recommended to consult a specialist physician.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Even at rest, the body is actively burning energy to digest food, pump blood, keep warm, breath and many, many other processes. This energy is measured in Calories (Cals) or Kilojoules (Kj). A kilocalorie is another word for what's commonly called a calorie, so 1,000 calories will be written as 1,000kcals.
1 kJ = 0.2 Calories 1 Calorie = 4.2 kJs.
This basic energy level is the ‘Basal Metabolic Rate’ or BMR.
You can burn extra calories by being active (these figures are approximate guides only and depend on your age, weight etc - it is not an exact science):
Running: 566-839 calories/hour (10 min/mile)
Rowing machine: 498-738 calories/hour (at a vigorous pace)
Stationery bike: 498-738 calories/hour (at a vigorous pace)
Stairs: 452-670 calories/hour (when going 77 steps/minute)
Power Yoga: 226-335 calories/hour
Skipping: 667-990 calories/hour (if you’re jumping at 120 skips per minute)
Swimming Breaststroke: 734 calories/hour
Having a higher basal metabolism will increase the number of calories used and help to decrease the amount of body fat. A low basal metabolic rate will make it harder to lose body fat and overall weight.
Visceral Fat Rating
This feature indicates the rating of visceral fat in your body.
Visceral fat is the fat that is in the internal abdominal cavity, surrounding the vital organs in the trunk (abdominal) area. Research shows that even if your weight and body fat remains constant, as you get older the distribution of fat changes and is more likely to shift to the trunk area especially post menopause. Ensuring you, have healthy levels of visceral fat may reduce the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and the onset of type 2 diabetes.
Rating from 1 to 12
Indicates you have a healthy level of visceral fat. Continue monitoring your rating to ensure that it stays within the healthy range.
Rating from 13 to 59
Indicates you have an excess level of visceral fat. Consider making changes in your lifestyle possibly through diet changes or increasing exercise.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Your BMI can tell you if you're carrying too much weight, but it cannot tell if you're carrying too much fat.
If you have had your ‘Body Composition’ analysed with us, your print-out will indicate whether you fall into the -, 0 or + range specifically for you.
Book your Body Composition Analysis now ~ £25
Physique Rating
This feature assesses your physique according to the ratio of body fat and muscle mass in your body. As you become more active and reduce the amount of body fat, your physique rating will also change accordingly. Even though your weight may not change, your muscle mass and body fat levels may be changing making you healthier and at lower risk of certain diseases.
Discover your body composition
Want to know:
If you're overweight?
How much water you're made of?
What your muscle and bone mass is?
What your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is?
What your visceral fat rating is?
Where you are on the 'Physique Rating' scale?
Book yourself in to find out ~ £25.
Avoid measuring after strenuous exercise.
Avoid a full bladder.
Don’t measure after excessive food or fluid intake or if dehydrated
Ideally – 3 hours after a meal.
Ideally – 3 hours after getting-up (or sitting down for a long period)
Ensure inner thighs are not touching - fabric will prevent this problem.
Feet free from excess dirt.
Remove electronic devices (mobiles etc).
Athletes (a specifically different interpretation of the data)
Recommended for those who are 18 years or older and meet the following conditions.
People who carry out 12 hours or more of cardiovascular exercise a week.
People who belong to a sport team or a sport organization with the aim of participation in competition, etc.
Professional athletes.