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New Injury?
For a NEW INJURY that does not require A+E, follow the PRICER protocol.
If you have just injured yourself, a sprain or strain of muscles, ligaments or tendons, and it does not require a visit to A&E, follow the PRICER protocol:
Protect from further injury.
Rest from any aggravating activities.
Ice the area for 10 to 20 minutes every 2 hours throughout the day. Crushed ice in a bag or cold water immersion is ideal. Always have a barrier, say a damp cloth, between ice bags and the skin to stop burns and skin damage.
Apply a compressive bandage around the injured area ASAP (ideally before swelling occurs).
Elevate the affected area if possible above heart level.
Refer to a suitable professional for accurate assessment and treatment:
Call: 01298 600477 or make an appointment ASAP
Learn how to use Heat or Ice on injuries - PRESS ME TO SEE
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