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on-site massage

On-Site Massage is a complementary therapy which has become very popular in today’s modern society.  It can take place at different settings such as the work place, a work event, conference, care home, airport, party, sporting event or even a venue of your choice. It can either be performed on a massage chair or massage table however a massage chair is often preferred as it easily fits into an office either in the workplace or corner of a room.

On-Site Massage

What is On-Site Massage?

Why choose On-Site Massage

On Site Massage is both highly therapeutic and convenient as we come to you making it simple and cost effective. The treatment can be done with oil or without oil over clothing either in a private room or at a desk. The treatment can vary from 10-30 minutes to suit the needs of the individual.


What are the benefits of On-Site Massage?

Ultimately On-Site Massage therapy provides all the benefits of a classic massage therapy which is why companies and organisations have introduced On-Site Massage as part of their wellness programme to promote health.


It is considered to be a useful treatment for every day aches and pains, stresses and strains as a beneficial addition to maintain and support health and well-being thereby promoting a balanced lifestyle. In the working environment on-site Massage can be used to reward employees, to motivate them or to help promote well-being which may prevent the likelihood of succumbing to everyday illness such as absences and effects of modern-day stress. This helps to improve a balanced state of mind promoting vitality and a greater ability to cope with potentially difficult events thereby promoting productivity and a safer working environment. Furthermore it is a great way for managers and business owners to show how much their staff are appreciated.


How it works

On-Site Massage works on areas of the body that may be susceptible to develop musculoskeletal disorders or repetitive strain injuries. It helps to relieve tension such as the shoulders, arms, hands, neck, head and spine that may lead to muscular tension.


Physiologically it has been suggested that caring touch helps the flow of blood and lymph around the body. Consequently studies have shown that touch can aid to decrease blood pressure and heart rate, soothe nerves and decrease tension, promoting relaxation and a state of well-being. Furthermore it has been suggested that massage may aid the production of the brain’s chemicals that function as natural painkillers reducing pain and producing a state of mind akin to euphoria.


Injury prevention

Regular, routine massage can help injury prevention in various ways. Firstly, regular massage facilitates ongoing dialogue between patient and therapist to discuss potential problems. It is claimed that regular massage improves the general condition of soft tissues, through enhancing tissue elasticity and pliability. Furthermore, regular massage may help prevent formation of adhesion and improve mobility of scar-tissue.


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        Three visits to Nick in 3 weeks and to my amazement not only did I make the start line but I ran the 26 miles, non-stop in under 4 hours, without any problems with my calf muscle..

         His knowledge of anatomy was incredible. ...The pain I experienced disappeared almost instantly after I left the treatment room and has been a lot better since... Thanks Nick!

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Unit 6, Tongue Lane Ind. Est,

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Company No: 7712530

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