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Bikefit Science: Introduction

The rationale behind the science of bike-fit involves the interaction between man and machine i.e. using the integrated bike-fit options. This involves an in depth knowledge of cycle biomechanics for effective bike-fitting.  Similarly poor pedalling biomechanics linked with musculoskeletal deficits are also recognised in many riders during the bike-fit process. Equally, if these musculoskeletal deficits are not addressed prior to bike-fit this can compromise cycling performance, comfort and lead to potential injuries.

Effective cycling involves harmony between ‘man and machine’, which can be attained through a correct bike-fit set-up at the three main contact points such as the pedals, saddle and handlebars (1,2). Cycles are specific to serve their purpose (e.g. mountain bike, road bike, free style BMX and triathlon bike) therefore it is crucial that the cyclists adopts the specific body positions required to meet the cycle demands (3,4).  These demands can be disrupted by anatomical, biomechanical or mechanic deficits. Therefore harmony between man and machine combines both sports science and sports medicine in which our bike-fit options endorses (5,6).

Bikefitting science - before and after

Our unique scientific bike-fit 3-step integrated options are designed to ‘harmonise man and machine’ which consists:

  • Gold Standard Dynamic motion Analysis Computerised Dartfish Option

  • Classic Static Option


Upon completion, all Bike-fits will come with a comprehensive electronic personal bike-fit report which consists:

  1. Pre-Bike-fit Musculoskeletal Screening

  2. A Personal Rehabilitation Plan

  3. Discipline Specific Bike-fit


All Bike-fits include a systematic head to toe Pre-Bike-fit Musculoskeletal Assessments using current research into the Foot/Pedal interface carried out at Manchester Metropolitan University. 

Step 1
Pre-Bikefit screening
Pre-bikefit screening
Step 1: Pre-bikefit screening
Step 2: Rehabilitation plan
Bikefit discipline
Step 2
Rehabilitation plan
Step 3
Bikefit discipline

Roland York

...John O’Groats to Land’s End...
Nick was also able to set up the bike to exactly the right  parameters for my particular requirements.

Having observed my cycling action and the fact that my right knee troubled me after long rides, he recommended special inserts for my shoes which greatly reduced my discomfort.

Nick’s knowledge of treatment and exercises for cyclists is very impressive – thanks Nick

Neil Grahame

Nick's treatments have helped revive my energy levels and fluidity of movement. The advice and exercise recommendations Nick provided were always clear and achievable.


I have since recommended Nicks Pain Relief Clinic to a number of people for effective pain relief due to his knowledge and professionalism.

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Read more about how we can help you understand and avoid your bike related pain.
For those of you who'd like to know more - here's the science...
or Call: 01298 600477


  1. Pruitt, A. (2003) Body positioning for cycling, in E. Burke (ed.) High-Tech Cycling, USA: Human Kinetics

  2. Burke, E., & Pruitt, A. (2003) Body positioning for cycling,  High-Tech Cycling, USA: Human Kinetics, pp. 69-92

  3. Ashe, M., Scroop, G., Frisken, P., Amery, C., Wilkins, M., and Khan, K. (2003) Body position affects performance in untrained cyclists, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37:441-444

  4. Bini, R., Hume, P., and Croft, J. (2012) Cyclists and triathletes have different body positions on the bicycle, European Journal of Sports Science, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2011.654269

  5. Callaghan, M.J. (2005) Lower body problems and injury in cycling, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 9:226-236

  6. Phillips, E., Davids, K., Renshaw, I., and Portus, M. (2010) Expert performance in sport and the dynamics of talent development, Journal of Sports Medicine, 40(4):271-283

01298 600477
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© The No.1 Pain Relief Clinic Ltd,

Unit 6, Tongue Lane Ind. Est,

Dew Pond Lane, Buxton, SK17 7LF

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Company No: 7712530

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